Our Superior General, Father Nello Morrea, visited us from February 27 to March 11, 1998. He came to stay with the students, get to know them, to live with them and to accompany them for a few days. In an aside he confided that he considers the formation of future priests as one of the most important challenges of the Church today, and certainly one of his main responsibilities as Superior General of the Adorno Fathers.
Our Order is not a very large one, as you may know. For this reason our General finds it still possible to have an often and direct contact with all our houses of formation in Italy, in Africa, in India and in the United States. In all probability, his next stop will be our seminary in Mallikassery, India. Besides encouraging and affirming the priests and seminarians involved in the formation programs, the General wants to know how we are doing financially, whether or not improvements can be made and how he can help.
While he was here and talked with us, we informed him that it takes much ‘time, talent and treasure' to run a House of Studies in the United States: tuition, equipment, room, board and other ingredients of formation strictly spiritual and proper of our Order. So far we are doing what we can with the means at our disposal. We ask our friends and benefactors to continue to support us with their prayer, their love and an affordable donation now and then.
I am sure we are all convinced that the world needs new priests and religious as the earth needs regenerating showers. Vocations, however, especially those coming from missionary territories and underdeveloped regions, need to be sustained and helped because the people there are poor and very often cannot afford to pay their own priestly formation. Please, help the Adorno Fathers help the seminarians in training.
Rev.Fr. Nicholas Capetola, CRM