In the spirit of Psalm 27, the Cleric Regular Minor desires to live in the
presence of the Lord all the days of his life. In our tradition, living
in the presence of the Lord is especially manifested in our devotion to the
Eucharist. The Eucharist is for us the source and summit of sanctification
and of the apostolate.
The Clerics Regular Minor strive to cultivate among the faithful communitarian
Eucharistic Adoration, and all the other forms of Eucharistic piety, according
to the directives and liturgical norms of the Church.
Our life of prayer as religious men prepares us daily for our pastoral service
to the Church, our work in the missions and our apostolates.
After the example of Our Founders, the Clerics Regular Minor will ardently love,
according to the spirit of the Church, the Blessed Virgin Mary...This love for
the Holy Virgin is to be expressed by imitating her virtues, by celebrating her
feasts with particular solemnity, and by practising and spreading the devotion
to the Holy Rosary.Jesus' Paschal Mystery is at the heart of the charism of the Clerics
Regular Minor. Our Founders wanted to leave before our eyes the image
of Christ, triumphant over sin and death in order to encourage and lead
us to a paschal life. Our lives should manifest both renunciation and joy.