
Papal Audience on the occasion of the Adorno Fathers' 400th Anniversary.

"My most beloved Lord, how good you are! Blood of Christ shed for me! It is mine, do not deny it to me because it is mine! O priests, strive to offer Mass everyday, inebriate yourselves with this blood. O Paradise, O Paradise, Blessed are those who live in your house, O Lord."

(Saint Francis Caracciolo)


*April 21, 2002 - 40th Anniversary of the Adorno Fathers in Ramsey - Eucharistic Celebration and Brunch - Adorno Center, Ramsey, New Jersey

*June 4, 2002 (7 P.M.)- Simple Profession of Vows of Teodoro Kalaw at St. Joseph Church - Lodi, N.J.

*June 22, 2002 (6 P.M)- Solemn Profession of Vows of Br. Gerry and Br. Jason - St. Joseph Church, Lodi N.J.

*June 29, 2002 (6 P.M.)-Ordination to the Diaconate of Br. Gerry and Jason - St. Joseph Church, Lodi, N.J.

*December 7, 2002 (6 P.M.)-Ordination to the Priesthood of Rev. Gerry and Rev. Jason - Immaculate Conception Church- Goose Creek, South Carolina

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Last Updated: March 12, 2002