*June 4, 2002 (7 P.M.)- Simple Profession of Vows of Teodoro Kalaw at St. Joseph Church - Lodi, N.J.
*June 22, 2002 (6 P.M)- Solemn Profession of Vows of Br. Gerry and Br. Jason - St. Joseph Church, Lodi N.J.
*June 29, 2002 (6 P.M.)-Ordination to the Diaconate of Br. Gerry and Jason - St. Joseph Church, Lodi, N.J.
*December 7, 2002 (6 P.M.)-Ordination to the Priesthood of Rev. Gerry and Rev. Jason - Immaculate Conception Church- Goose Creek, South Carolina
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