By the time you get this Newsletter, we will be well into spring time and the Easter season. Here in Ramsey, we have been waiting for both- first, through the long winter months with snow, slushes and bare trees, and then through the disciplines of the forty days of Lent with prayer, fasting and good will toward all. Spring is a real welcome change for those who have known the rigors of winter, just as Easter is a touch of glory for those who have restrained their evil impulses.
The years of formation in the seminary are like the winter months, or like the forty days of Lent. To use the words of the sacred writer. "Be patient my brothers...See how the farmer awaits the precious yield of the soil. He looks forward to it patiently while the soils receives the winter and spring rains." (James 5:7)
A seminarian spends many years in self knowledge and rigorous studies. Through these he seeks an ever deeper knowledge of the mysteries of God and a critical discernment of the needs of today's world. In due time spring will arrive and the Easter truth will be proclaimed with his life. For now, he must be patient and docile to the Spirit of God.
Accordingly, our men continue their theological studies at Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University. Our professes (Nony and Jun) are also being introduced to some aspects of parish life in St. Joseph in Lodi, our novices (Gerry, Jason, Ted and Larry) have just completed a four week series of talks on Marian spirituality at Carmel Retreat House in Mahwah, and our postulant (Jeffrey) carries the heaviest academic load this semester- 18 credits at the seminary plus a few other assignments in our House of Studies in Ramsey.
From these men, who have been invited by Christ to build His Kingdom, from Father Michael and myself we wish A HAPPY EASTER TO ALL OUR FRIENDS , especially those who are interested in our work and support our Missions.
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